Share 2019. November 29. The Committee of National Remembrance, the National University of Public Service, the National Archives of Hungary and the Historical Archives of the Hungarian State Security cordially invite you to the international conference TRANSITION. INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF THE FALL OF COMMUNISM (1989) Date: 3 December 2019, 10 a.m. Venue: National University of Public Service, Széchenyi Assembly Hall (Ludovika square 2. Budapest, 1083) Lecturers of the conference: István Bandi (ÁBTL), Réka Földváryné Kiss (NEB), Zoltán Garadnai (MNL), Ferenc Gazdag (NKE), Łukasz Kamiński (Uniwersytet Wrocławski), Beáta Katrebová Blehová (UPN), Mark Kramer (Harvard University), Jaromír Mrňka (USTR), Gergely Prőhle (NKE), Peter Ruggenthaler (Ludwig- Boltzmann-Institut). The languages of the conference are Hungarian and English. Interpretation will be provided. Please indicate your intention to participate in the event by 2 December 2019 on the website below