Report on the second day of the Iron Curtain Conference

6th May 2015

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  • 2015. September 14.

On the second day of the Conference László Tőkés, transilvanian reformed bishop, representative of the european parliament talked inter alia about the fact, that only the people living in Middle-East Europe can give official answer for the question, how it was to live behind the iron curtain: "as the captive folks of the communist prison-world, we were not only blocked from the other part of Europe, but living in the opressing dictatorial systems of our own societies, we were living and squirming in a systematically built labirinth of subtle wall system" - he drew.

The lecturers of the second day were Neela Winkelmann, (Managing Director, Platform of European Memory and Conscience), Göran Lindblad (President, Platform of European Memory and Conscience, SE), László Tökés (Member of the European Parliament, RO), Andreja Valič Zver (Director, Study Centre for National Reconciliation, SI), Barbara Bank (Member, Committee of National Remembrance, HU), Miroslav Kasáček (Director, Civic Association Memory, CZ), Wolfgang-Christian Fuchs (President, Inter-Asso, DE) Johann Grünbauer (Foundation Memory of Totalitarian Regimes and their Victims, NL), Miroslav Lehky (Ján Langos Foundation, SK), Andresj Umansky (Research Fellow, Institute for Criminal Law and Criminal Prcedure, University of Cologne, DE), Alexander Stipsits (Chairman of the Board, Centre for the Future, CZ), Gábor Katona (Head, Legal and International Department, Office of the Committee of National Remembrance, HU). The final thoughts of the two day Conference were concluded by Szabolcs Takács, Secretary of State for European Affairs, Prime Minister’s Office, HU.
