Share 2021. September 16. Pope Francis visiting Budapest for the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress was given Heroes Among Us. 50 True Stories of Brave Hungarians in the 20th Century as present by János Áder, president of Hungary. The book is in English and it was accomplished with the professional contribution of the Committee of National Remembrance. In the foreword the president recommends this collection of life paths of Hungarian heroes, who lived during the totalitarian dictatorships in the 20th century. The collection contains a number of secular individuals as well as ecclesiastics like József Mindszenty, István Regőczi, Sára Salkaházi, Lajos Gulyás, Péter Mansfeld, Gedeon Richter, Albert Szent-Györgyi. The book is based on the Hungarian volume, Magyar Hősök. Elfeledett életutak a 20. századból. The editors are: Gergely Czókos, Réka Kiss, Áron Máthé, Zoltán Szalai. The book displays people of various characters who lived in those dark times, individuals who saved others, resisted the Nazis, fought the Communist takeover, revolutionists and freedom fighters of 1956, priests, politicians and intellectuals from the mother country as well as from Transsylvania, Zakarpatska Oblast, Vojvodina and Upper-Hungary. What, in fact, links these divergent life paths? Taking risks in extreme situations. The majority of the people selected here stood up against both totalitarian ideologies, i.e. Nazism and Communism, and yet, their stories have remained unknown to the wider public despite their courageous behaviour in those tragic times. By publishing their portraits, we intend to pay a debt and ensure that their memory lives on with us. (Photos: Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister) Images