European Remembrance 6th International Symposium of European Institutions dealing with 20th-century History

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  • 2017. May 07.

Participant registration has begun for the 6th edition of the annual European Remembrance Symposium organised by the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity, which brings together representatives of institutions and organisations dealing with 20th-century history. This year’s edition will focus on violence and will take place from 6 to 8 June in Brussels. The last day of registration is 15 May 2017.

The idea behind the Symposium is based on the conviction that there is a need to have a common and multidimensional reflection on the history of the last century which would take into consideration various narrations, sensitivities, historical experiences and their interpretations. This annual Symposium organised by the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity together with its partners aims to facilitate and create new areas of cooperation between institutions and organisations concerned with the study of 20th-century European history and history education.

This year participants will focus on the phenomenon of the involvement of states and ideologies in the widespread use of violence to enforce objectives. Within the ‘facts-and-memory’ approach, there will be presented the different experiences of violence within Central-Eastern and Western Europe. Participants will also ask what forms of violence are legitimate, as well as how they are remembered, taught and exhibited in both parts of Europe. In order to discuss such-issues we are now extending our invitation to historians, representatives of museums or institutes for remembrance, educational and scientific centres as well as foundations and associations dealing with 20th-century history. This year’s panellists include Prof. Andrzej Nowak from Jagiellonian University, Prof. Jeffrey Olick from University of Virginia and Prof. Valerie Rosoux from University Louvain in Belgium and Prof. Michel Wieviorka from Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme in France.

The three-day event will give the participants plenty of opportunity to attend lectures, discussion panels and workshops. They will also visit National Memorial Fort Breendonk – one of the best conserved Nazi Prison Camps in Europe.

More information, detailed agenda and registration form available at: The number of participants is limited.


