Discussions between the Committee of National Remembrance and National Institute of Remembrance in Slovakia


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  • 2019. April 30.

Bratislava (2018. október 3.)

The was a work meeting between the Committee of National Remembrance and its Slovakian partner institution, the National Institute of Remembrance (Ústav Pamäti Národa - UPN) on 3 October 2018. On behalf of UNP Ján Pálffy, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors, Peter Jašek, leader of the Section of the Scientific Research, Ľubomír Ďurina, director of the Archives and Jerguš Sivoš, head of the secretariat participated in the discussion. NEB was represented by Réka Földváryné Kiss, chairperson; Áron Máthé, vice chair and Ádám Dergán, programme director. Imre Molnár, director of the Hungarian Institute in Bratislava also participated in the meeting.

Budapest (2019. április 30.)

After the meeting in Bratislava there were further discussions on 30 April 2019 in Budapest between the Committee of National Remembrance and its Slovakian partner institution, the National Institute of Remembrance (Ústav Pamäti Národa - UPN). Members of the Slovakian delegation were Ján Pálffy, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors, Peter Jašek, leader of the Section of the Scientific Research and Jerguš Sivoš, head of the secretariat. On behalf of NEB Réka Földváryné Kiss, chairperson, Áron Máthé, vice chair and Ádám Dergán, deputy general director and Gergely Isó research associate took part in the meeting.

The parties presented their prioritized research projects for the next year and discussed the possible ways of cooperation.