Conference on Armed Forces and Their Control by the Party

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  • 2017. March 13.
Conference on Armed Forces and Their Control by the Party

"IN SERVICE OF THE WORKING PEOPLE? Armed forces and their control by the Party in the socialist era' was the title of the recent conference held by the Committee of National Remembrance. At the conference the relationship between the party state and the armed authorities in the Kádár-era was discussed. István Ötvös, member of NEB believes that these power relations need to be clarified.

If any member of an "armed force" was awarded during the communist era in Hungary, they were supposed to say at the ceremony: "In service of the working people!” Who they really served was common knowledge (they also knew), but that was not the point. A conference with the title "In service of the working people?" was organised by the Committee of National Remembrance, which - finally - was a significant attempt to face the party control over the armed forces in the Soviet colonial era on an academic level with all its often horrible consequences.


Conference on Armed Forces and Their Control by the Party
Conference on Armed Forces and Their Control by the Party
Conference on Armed Forces and Their Control by the Party
Conference on Armed Forces and Their Control by the Party
Conference on Armed Forces and Their Control by the Party
Conference on Armed Forces and Their Control by the Party
Conference on Armed Forces and Their Control by the Party
Conference on Armed Forces and Their Control by the PartyConference on Armed Forces and Their Control by the Party
Conference on Armed Forces and Their Control by the Party
Conference on Armed Forces and Their Control by the Party
Conference on Armed Forces and Their Control by the Party
Conference on Armed Forces and Their Control by the Party
Conference on Armed Forces and Their Control by the Party
Conference on Armed Forces and Their Control by the Party
Conference on Armed Forces and Their Control by the Party


Conference István Ötvös Barbara Bank