A change of the focus in diplomacy. The findings of the NEB foreign affairs group 1.

Editor: Attila Viktor Soós

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  • 2015. September 16.
A change of the focus in diplomacy

The first study volume of NEB’s foreign affairs group analyses diplomacy and the restructuring of the foreign affairs institution system in the period of 1945–1950. János Sáringer analyses the organisation of the Hungarian Foreign Ministry in this period. Miklós Ivánfy introduces the working of the Békeelőkészítő Osztály (the unit for peace preparing) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Anita M. Madarász discusses Hungarian–British relations from 1941 to 1946 through the work of the diplomats Barcza György, Szent-Györgyi Albert, Alvary Frederick Gascoigne. Gábor Andreides reviews the diplomatic relations between Hungary and Italy from 1945 to 1949. The last study by Kristóf Erdős presents the role of the Hazahozatali Kormánybiztosság (Comission of Returning) in the return of POW’s, emigrents and deportees.


Attila Viktor Soós books